I wrote this for a post on my Instagram back when all the race riots were happening over the summer of 2020, that fine summer just last year right after our world was plunged into global chaos. I wanted to add it here because I feel these impassioned words about our planet have a place on this blog.

June 7th, 2020 – An arbitrary race was picked to uphold the standards of ‘beauty’ and hold the power neither of which could not have been done without leaving the rest to the wayside. The fact that we are still arguing about something such as color shows just how superficial modern society has become.

In the West, we have all been taught we are worthless in some way whether it’s color, culture, shape, size, status, etc. Look at the commercials that flow from every screen telling us to get a tan, to dye our hair, to get muscles, to buy a car, to be less tired, to get a spouse, to dress a certain way. None of them are telling us that we are enough just by being alive.

Most of us are trying to gain a sense of external control over something or someone to make ourselves feel better and more complete. We are being divided by superficial reasons in order to continue to uphold this illusion of society.

F**k the illusion. We need to wake up from this ignorant slumber. We need to start believing that we are beautiful souls on the inside and that we are all unique. We need to follow our intuition that what’s happening isn’t right, that we are depressed because humans weren’t meant for this kind of superficial life where we pretend everything is ok and we take antidepressants just to maintain the status quo. We are depressed for a reason! Because this shit is not it (living) and we know it deep down.

We are not meant for a life where education is mediocre, our food is artificial, prison is a profitable business, we are LEGALLY addicted to some of the most lethal drugs on the planet, we are working our asses off to pay arbitrary bills (outdated energy grids, taxes that do absolutely nothing for humanity, and subscriptions to every useless thing imaginable) while standing in line at midnight for the latest soul-sucking gadget/tracking device, killing people over Christmas presents, shooting up schools, and ruining our planet, just to name a few.

But the list is ENDLESS. We need to band together and stop taking this bulls**t. We have sent people to the f**king moon and we can’t build a fully renewable energy grid? Or build an education system that actually makes people think instead of turning us into robots? Or feed people high quality food? Or have a medical system that does not reject natural healing? Or teach and inspire wrongdoers instead of putting them in a direct trajectory to send them right back into prison? I call BULLS**T.

We are being programmed to support these illusions of society that benefit only the select few. They are trying to divide and control us. These issues are the big picture. The sooner we can stand up for our brothers and sisters of all colors, the sooner we can fight what’s really at play here. #onelove

Peace & Love,


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