Hi beautiful soul!

Welcome to the tribe and thank you for being here.

My name is Briana﹣lovingly known as Bri, for short.

Through my awakening journey, I have worked hard at understanding and practicing unconditional self love for myself while overcoming my deep childhood emotional wounds including codependency and fear of rejection.

To give you a better sense of what that entailed, I went from:

  • having almost no sense of self worth,
  • over-giving my time and energy,
  • trying to force/control outcomes instead of allowing things to flow,
  • insecurities galore,
  • people pleasing,
  • trying to be “perfect” in order to be accepted, and
  • mentally beating myself up whenever I “messed up” or didn’t feel good enough.


  • becoming conscious of my behaviors and toxic conditioning,
  • understanding unconditional self love and acceptance,
  • figuring out how to maintain inner peace despite anything happening in the external world around me,
  • owning my power
  • and best of all, living a life I am incredibly proud of as my truest, most authentic self.

And so much more!

Now, I wish to help you on your journey with all of these things and more. Articles like the ones I share on my blog have helped me tremendously and now it is my turn to spread the love. The world would be a totally different place if more of us healed our deep inner child wounds. And it’s happening!!

Let’s melt our frozen hearts and heal our broken ones together and together we will change the world. This is a loving community open to anyone who wants to be a part of it.

I focus on taking concepts surrounding healing, inner peace, and spirituality and breaking them down into practical and easy to understand terms.

So, feel free to look around and click here to check out my posts. If you vibe with my content, I’d love to have you in the Infinite Love Tribe by subscribing to my newsletter! More info coming soon.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

-Buckminster Fuller

The world doesn’t just need to alter its current systems a bit; it is currently in need of a MAJOR positive overhaul.

This quote inspires me greatly. Instead of using energy to focus on convincing others what is currently wrong in the world (which is a lot), I aim to help the world with a bottom up solution:

imbuing the world with as much love as I can before my time on Earth passes.

If we all healed our hearts, the world would be a magnificently unrecognizable and beautiful place. And, thus, was born Love, Bri, to spread love throughout humanity.