“Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.”  -Roy T. Bennett

Do you believe in yourself? How much? Why? Is it a solid belief in yourself or a wavering belief that seems to disappear at the first hint of adversity or not upholding certain standards you or society has for yourself?

This article is broken down into 3 main sections.

1. The Basics

  • What is self-belief
  • Why is it important

2. Your Role 

  • Your starting point
  • Your power

3. The How 

  • How to start believing in yourself
  • 5 Steps to get you started
  • Identities and other helpful tips

1. Let’s Start With The Basics

Photo by Aditya Saxena


What does it actually mean to believe in yourself? 

Self belief is basically any esteem you place in yourself and your ability to do or be a specific thing. It can also be a general confidence in your abilities and essence. Usually it is a combination. 


  • You are training for a running race and you believe in your ability to complete it. Also, the more you train, the more your belief can increase.
    • In this example, you believe in your ability to complete a specific task.
  • By this point in your life, you know that life can be challenging. Despite that, you believe in your ability to tackle and move through any challenges that arise, even if you don’t succeed immediately. 
    • In this example, you have a general belief in yourself that you will somehow figure out the answers or solutions you will inevitably need in the future.
  • You are starting a business and you don’t know all of the pieces or tasks you will have to do but you believe in your ability to figure them out and you already are confident in your ability to do certain tasks such as use a computer and communicate with others. 
    • In this example, you believe in your general ability to figure things out and you also have confidence in yourself in completing specific activities.

Why Self-Belief is so crucial to An Abundant, Fulfilling, Happy Life

Photo by Roberto Nickson

If you do not believe in yourself, you will not be able to tap into your highest potential, plain and simple. Your lack of belief in yourself will hinder you in many ways and stop you from taking action that could propel you forward in significant ways. You will constantly be plagued with self doubt, fear, and self defeating thoughts, all of which will crush any desires to move towards your goals. The lack of self belief may be so severe that you might not even have any goals or desires at all.

Self belief ties into your sense of self worth and if you have an incomplete sense of self worth, it will seep into your general belief in yourself. You may still believe that you can accomplish specific tasks such as get dressed, feed yourself, and go to work, but a low sense of self worth will subconsciously sabotage your more far reaching desires, goals and wishes. For more information on self worth, check out my article Why Achievement Has Nothing To Do With Self-Worth.

You have two main choices, believe in yourself, or don’t. I have been in both positions and I understand the how painful that struggle can be. In my personal opinion, and you may agree, the feeling of not believing in yourself absolutely sucks.

Thoughts like “I really want to accomplish x” or “Wouldn’t it be amazing if I created y” would float around in my head, but self doubt would slow me down or stop me altogether from taking the necessary actions to move towards those things. That is pure self sabotage. Because what you desire is a worthy desire to have. If you, by some way, became aware of a desire, you fully deserve it and you are absolutely worthy to have it, just because. (And also because life is simply too short not to go after your wildest dreams.) And by sabotaging yourself, or letting your lack of self-belief create fears in your mind, you are blocking yourself from ever receiving it.

I have been at both ends of the spectrum of not having self-belief vs. having self belief and I can say how important it is to believe in yourself because of how much farther the latter takes me on a daily basis. Even when I push farther outside my comfort zone and doubts or fears may creep in, having self-belief crushes those doubts and fears much faster. And yours will, too.

2. Your Role

Photo by Noah Cellura

Where are you starting from?

If you’re anything like I was before I began my healing journey to dig deeper, you probably believe in yourself enough to get by in life or even be pretty successful in the COMFORT ZONE whatever that may be for you.

I was able to believe in myself in certain tasks and in certain phases of my life. However, this was a very shaky sense of self belief that seemed to vanish at the first sign of discomfort, or the first step outside the comfort zone. I had a weak sense of self worth (that I wasn’t even fully aware of) that caused me to forget to believe in myself when challenges arose. I even sabotaged myself in both friendly or romantic relationships without realizing it. I would fall down spirals of self doubt and fear, going so far as telling myself I was utterly useless and had little to offer the world. My subconscious mind at the time (which was littered with useless beliefs and conditioning–Thank you, childhood) essentially wanted something or someone to swoop in and save me from my dark despair. 

Perhaps this is sounding familiar to you.

Fortunately, after months of existential crisis and no fairy godmothers or knights in shining armor coming, I realized that that person that needed to save me had to be ME. 

It Doesn’t Work Any Other Way

Let’s say for example someone or something does come in and quell your feelings for a bit. The discomfort, self doubt, and unfulfillment goes on the back burner and it might even be hardly noticeable at times. 

Photo by Brooke Cagle

It might be easier to try to make this person save you from your misery/distract you from feelings of inadequacy than to save yourself. It sounds like the perfect solution– I am unhappy, so that must mean I need someone or something to make me happy. Sorry to burst your comfort zone bubble, but WRONG! No one else can make you happy or fulfill you if you do not know how to make yourself happy or to fulfill yourself. Sure, you can surround yourself with people you love and that can add to your happiness, but they cannot be the only thing you rely on. Because as soon as something does not pan out to your EXPECTATIONS (and let’s be real-that happens way too often), you will quickly go back to your feelings of unhappiness and dissatisfaction. 

As soon as that thing or person is no longer there or changes their behavior or could no longer satisfy/distract you from these feelings, old patterns of doubt and forgetting to believe in yourself would begin to creep back in and you would end up right back to where you were before, with that same shaky sense of self belief. 

It is possible for someone or something external to assist you with believing in yourself by being supportive or mirroring back to you something that is good about yourself. But, ultimately, you yourself need to believe it. If you don’t believe it, it doesn’t matter how many times someone tells you that you are worthy, beautiful, talented, etc. it just won’t really sink in.

If you don’t believe it, it doesn’t matter how many times someone tells you you are worthy, beautiful, talented, etc. it just won’t sink in.

With a fragile or non-existent sense of self belief it is easy to be brought down by circumstances and people around you whether through comparison or lack of appreciation or feeling like you are missing something that others have.

The idea is not to run into the arms of someone else (or something like alcohol, food, shopping, etc.) when feeling this lack of belief in yourself because the feelings of doubt and inadequacy would inevitably resurface if you do not resolve them from within. 

Furthermore, you’d actually attract someone who would be aligned with the version of yourself that does not believe in her/himself. Someone that mirrors your energy with their own feelings of dissatisfaction and self doubt. This is all about the energy you’re giving out. The alternative would be that if you started believing in yourself fully and knew your worth and did not tolerate anything less than you deserve, you would attract an equally high-quality person. I am not sure about you, but that would be my preference. In fact, that is exactly what happened when I started believing in myself. 

Of course this is easier said than done especially if you are used to covering up your feelings of inadequacy with external coping mechanisms. 

Additionally, most if not all of our struggles come from not believing in ourselves. Because when we don’t believe in ourselves we don’t think that opportunities we desire will come our way. We don’t think we have anything to offer the world. We feel low and doubtful about ourselves daily and we want something or someone to come swoop in and take us out of our misery or distract us. Things that are often sought after to quell this inner unease include alcohol, relationships, friends, alterations to our physical appearance (plastic surgery, dying hair, piercings), sex, name brand products, etc. 

Photo by Patrick Schneider

Get Brutally Honest With Yourself

To be clear, just because you want the things mentioned above does not always mean you are covering anything up or wanting a distraction.

This is when you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why or for whom are you doing these things? Is it to be accepted by others or to feel more whole and complete?
  • Or is it because you yourself strongly resonate with it and feel it is an expression of your truest self, creativity, etc?

If you said yes to the first question, it might be a good time to dive deeper into that and ask yourself why you don’t feel complete on your own without those things or people or why you need to be accepted by others.

If it is the second, and you don’t need it to complete you and you already believe in yourself without it, then by all means, do what your heart and soul calls you to do.


Example 1:

Think of it this way. Let’s say Susie is selling a product on TV. To fully imagine this example, let’s say it is a new type of vacuum cleaner. The problem is, she doesn’t fully believe in it. She thinks it’s mediocre at best, and doesn’t do its job very well, even though she has barely tried it out. She doesn’t like the colors or the design in general and she doesn’t see any good qualities it has. She is offering incentives to buy it by throwing in some free items to get people to buy it and she doesn’t care how she does it because she needs money. She is already coming up with coupons to sell it at a discount just so she can sell it.

How do you think Susie is coming off to others? Most likely, she is coming off as a gross saleswoman who’s pushing a product on someone who doesn’t really want it or need it. If the saleswoman herself wouldn’t buy it, why would she want to give it to someone else? People see that the way she presents it, it does not seem like a high-quality product. People quickly see through her and her product and are repelled and quick to reject it.

Example 2:

Now think of Rizzo who is selling the same vacuum on TV but she fully believes in it. She uses it herself everyday and believes it is the best vacuum of this type on the market. She knows that there are some things about it that could be improved as with most things but she emphasizes its best qualities. She knows that especially with these colors, it will be a hit. She is not worried about selling to every old Joe Shmo because she knows how great it is and the right people will be lining up just to buy it. She does not care if there are some people who don’t like it or want it. She knows that some people just won’t resonate or won’t need her product and that is normal and OK. Those people are not her ideal customers. Meanwhile there are plenty of people who hear the authentic enthusiasm and joy in her voice as she describes it and are ready to swipe their credit card.

Rizzo actually creates a magnetism around her product because she is not pushing her product on others who may not want it or be ready to buy it. She is not persuading uninterested people to buy it, she is simply attracting customers with her excitement about the product.

Now put yourself in the position of this hypothetical vacuum. 

When you believe in yourself, you become a magnet to all that you desire instead of repelling it. You know your own worth so well and your belief in yourself is so strong that you are not worried about people who reject you because you know that there are better and more perfect people for you coming along. You don’t need to convince others to be with you or to be your friend because you know that the right people will come to you easily.

No one else will do it for you. If you don’t believe in yourself, why would someone else?

The Power Lies In Your Hands

Photo by Miguel Bruna

The reality is, no one else is going to do it for you. And you shouldn’t need anyone too. If you place that kind of power in the hands of others, then when it is not there or those people leave your life for whatever reason, you will be right back where you started (not believing in yourself.)

Additionally, to accomplish anything in life with ease and flow, your belief in yourself is imperative. Otherwise, you will be constantly worried or doubtful that you are not good enough or that things won’t go well for you.

You deserve to believe in yourself. In fact, you owe it to yourself.

Just because your caregivers in childhood and others didn’t believe in you or show you how to believe in yourself doesn’t mean you need to continue those unhelpful patterns. Those people were playing out their own wounding and subconscious patterns and because they didn’t believe in themselves, they passed those same hindering thoughts and self doubt down to you. 

Time to unlearn all those unhelpful beliefs and thought patterns! 

Now, you have the opportunity to start believing in yourself and create an incredible life for yourself that is free of limitations. The only limitations you have are those you place on yourself.

The only way you will push past fears, doubts and barriers is with your belief in yourself. THAT is your power. 

Hopefully by now, you’re thinking: Ok, ok I get it. I know I am supposed to believe in myself. But HOW do I actually do that??

3. The HOW

Photo by Tim Mossholder

So how do we start believing in ourselves?

No matter if you’ve led your life this far with a low sense of self worth, doubt, and self sabotage, you can begin to change that around immediately.

The main thing to remember about self belief is that despite where you are or what your abilities are now, you always have the power to change. Just because you are afraid or aren’t able to do something right now does not mean it will never be done. Even the simple belief “I can do it” will start to change your mental patterns to begin seeing possibilities instead of problems or barriers.

Believing in yourself is also a solid knowing about yourself that you will be able to figure out how to do something whether it’s through asking others, researching online, or simply by practicing or tinkering enough with it. That comes down to what your preference is, what works for you, and what you are best at/find easiest, etc.

Confidence and believing in oneself go hand in hand. Once you start finding reasons to believe in yourself, that will build on itself over time and that will turn into confidence. You will start looking for ways in which you CAN do something instead of all the reasons you CAN’T. Because I assure you, those “can’t” reasons will come up if you let them and they will spiral out of control and will stop you from ever taking any action.

Believe me, I’ve been there more times than I can count. 

I also know that those times that I took action despite fear and not knowing all of the pieces or aspects of what could happen, I felt so insanely good that it built momentum to keep going.

So, believing in yourself DOES get easier over time because eventually, by working your self-belief muscles, you will be able to banish those negative thoughts much quicker and many will be eradicated completely.

You begin to create new patterns and ways of thinking that are much more empowering and will get you a lot farther in life and a lot closer to making your wildest dreams and desires come true. 

Here Are 5 Action Steps to Get You Started:

Think of something you’ve done in your life that made you feel proud. It could be something we might otherwise label as insignificant such as making it to work on time or remembering a friend’s birthday. 

Don’t just brush this off. If you really want to start believing in yourself you are going to have to put some thought into this especially if you find it difficult to think of anything.

Now really imagine how you felt and see if you can embody those feelings until you can feel them right here in the present moment. Was it confidence? Joy? Relief? Whatever it is, the key is to visualize and feel these good feelings right now with as much detail as possible.

Try to come up with as many moments as possible. These moments are evidence that you have believed in yourself in the past enough to feel good. This is just to get the momentum going and something to look back on if you feel your self belief wavering.

Focus on your strengths. What are they?

Are you good at talking to others? (Believe it or not that is strength because many people haven’t yet honed or learned social skills). Do you whip up a mean PB&J sandwich? Do you keep your living spaces neat and tidy? Do you have nice handwriting? Are you able to instantly recognize what song is playing from the intro? These are all skills. Chances are you have a pretty unique set of strengths that you maybe haven’t realized or considered yet. Don’t think about whether or not you would put them on a resume as those are usually very limited.

List out all of your strengths, and include as many as you can. And if you are sitting there thinking you don’t have any strengths, then I would assume that you are sitting in a cave with no clothes on, no job, and no food. And, if we really want to get real, it would have taken skills to locate that cave and get to it somehow, let alone connect it with Wifi. But since the whole cave thing probably doesn’t apply to you, start with things like “able to feed myself,” “able to clothe myself,” “able to get a job,” “able to walk,” “able to smile.” Whether or not you want or like to do these things does not matter for the purposes of this exercise.

Now start focusing on the things that you wrote down. What feelings do you get when you use these strengths? Pride? A sense of accomplishment? Just like with the Step 1, really feel and imagine those things. This is what you will build off of to continue believing in yourself. Let this self belief flow into other abilities you have or want to have and allow it to compound until you become more confident at each of these strengths and any new abilities you are working on. 

Find a skill or hobby you’d like to get better at. Everyone’s gotta start somewhere so if you are not good at anything yet, no worries at all, just start learning. There are plenty of free resources. 

Growth and evolution is one of the most fulfilling components to us humans. If we are not growing or learning in some way, we are stagnant and it just does not feel good. So if you have been feeling unfulfilled lately, perhaps it is time to start incorporating more opportunities for growth and learning. This can be anything! Any skill or hobby or task. And now, thanks to the internet, we have more opportunities than ever to learn something new. 

Know that even if you aren’t good at something right now, you, as a human being, have the incredible ability to learn and improve everyday if you commit to something. You may not see results immediately but this does not mean you are not improving. Eventually you will see progress if you are consistently working on something.

A great example for this is a story you might have heard before which goes something like this:

There was a stone that had to be cracked. The knight swung his sword at it over and over (99 times to be exact) with no sign of cracking. But on the 100th swing, the rock finally cracked in two.

So you may not see progress until you do it over and over. The key is not giving up even if you are not seeing progress, because one day you might surprise yourself at how far you’ve come.

Each day, as you progress, the belief in yourself also grows. 

Focus on small wins. Things like getting a good grade on a test, remembering someone’s birthday, making a particularly tasty sandwich. Celebrate yourself. It’s fun to do and adds joy even to mundane tasks. It’s not arrogant or stupid even though you may have been led to believe it is. It might feel silly at first because you may not be used to thinking so kindly or feeling so compassionate about yourself, especially if you didn’t have someone to lead by example growing up.

Being your own biggest supporter is not only important but also feels so good. You become unstoppable. 

Let those small wins compound on each other and before you know it, your self belief will have grown as well.

Create new, empowering beliefs about yourself. Make a list of all of the new beliefs you would like to have about yourself. 

For example: 

  • I persist through challenges.
  • I keep moving forward even when challenges arise. 
  • I am resilient. 
  • I am strong. 
  • I am a high value human. 
  • I am worthy. 
  • I am good at figuring things out.
  • I recognize my fear and self doubt and choose to take action anyway.

Then, for each of these new beliefs find at least 1 example of where you have done that or demonstrated that in your life, no matter how mediocre or small it may seem and support the new belief with it. Something that will allow you to start believing that new belief about yourself. As humans, we like proof and evidence. This is that evidence to start letting that belief sink in. 

It should look something like this:

New Belief: I keep moving forward even when challenges arise.

Piece of Evidence: That one time that I got lost while driving and my phone was dead, instead of just stopping and hoping someone would save me, I kept driving until I found my way back. 

See, I told you it could be a small example.

Again, if you want to see results and start to gather more self-belief, really take the time and put some thought and effort into this. In order for me to improve my self-belief, I spent countless hours journaling about things like these 5 steps and much more. It can take time for all of your newfound beliefs and good feelings and compassion about yourself to really sink in, so be patient and keep at it and it will.


Photo by Aziz Acharki

You are the only boss of you. You get to decide what you want, what you tolerate, what you are capable of, what kind of life you want to live. Don’t box yourself in with limited thinking and beliefs that others have such as “women aren’t as smart as men” “you’re too old to follow your passion” “you’re too young to be taken seriously,” etc. Stop consulting with others to tell you or decide for you how to live your life and what choices to make, especially if they are nowhere near living the kind of life you dream of.

Stop asking others to validate you. Unless you are seeking professional help (and even in this case you should also always consult your intuition and your gut feeling), most people do not have your best interest in mind because they have their own best interest and agendas in mind. Additionally, most people will only give you advice they have experience with or what they learned in THEIR OWN limited circumstances and thinking. So, most often, it will differ greatly from what you feel to be the truth for yourself. DO NOT ignore your intuition and follow the crowd just because you think you “should.” This and other “shoulds” can derail you from your aligned path and purpose faster than anything.

If you can’t trust yourself, why should anyone else trust you?

Helpful Tip: How Creating An Identity Supports the Belief in Yourself

Something to keep in mind is that believing in yourself can be general and it can also be more specific and “believable” by creating or aligning with an identity. 

It is great to believe in yourself generally and even affirm “I believe in myself.” This would help give you an all around belief in yourself and your abilities and everything you ARE as a human on this planet. 

However, to take it a step further, you can support this general belief with creating a specific identity that you want to embody. It can also make the belief in yourself more “believable.” It is more powerful to choose or create an identity that you believe about yourself because this will allow you to almost effortlessly flow into creating the life you desire. It is easier to envision, imagine, and embody a specific identity than it is a general “I believe in myself” statement. It creates stronger evidence and understanding and will also help lock it into your brain better than a general belief.

This is where you get to create the identity that you want to embody which will help you believe in yourself MORE.

Let me give you some examples. 

Example 1:

Let’s say you decide from this point forward you want to make sure you know your worth at all times so you create the belief about yourself that you are a “high value human.” (This is an identity I’ve used to align with and I have found it to be powerful in reminding myself what I deserve.)

What does a high value human do? Say? Think? Tolerate? Not tolerate? 

Once you define these for yourself, you have created an almost automatic blueprint of who you are and how your life is shaped. 

For me, a high value human:

  • does not tolerate less than he or she deserves (you first CHOOSE what you feel you deserve).
  • stays consistent and committed to his or her goals.
  • does not make excuses or blame others for the fact that he or she can or cannot accomplish something.
  • knows his or her inherent worth and does not need approval or validation from others.
  • carries him or herself in such a way that is confident and sure and gives some thought before speaking or taking action.

So, once you begin to embody this new belief or identity that you are a high quality human, you begin to behave accordingly until all of the habits, thought patterns, and beliefs that don’t align with this identity fall away. This new identity becomes second nature.

Example 2:

Let’s say you want to become healthier so you create the belief about yourself that you are a “healthy & fit human”. Now repeat the steps above.

Ok, so what does a healthy and fit human do or don’t do? For me, it would make sense that a healthy and fit human doesn’t engage in unhealthy behaviors and habits and instead engages in healthy ones.

So for example, a healthy and fit human eats healthy foods and exercises regularly and avoids eating junk except maybe on rare special occasions and avoids sitting and laying around as much as possible. Make it as detailed as possible. So, to take it a step further you could say that the healthy and fit human you want to become does things like parking farther away to get more steps in, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, limiting couch time, getting a standing desk or taking breaks to move around, not engaging in smoking cigarettes, limiting drinking, etc. This is all about YOU and the person YOU want to become and BELIEVE IN! 

And no matter what identity you align with, you can always tailor it to fit you and your desires. You can be a “high quality human” who is also “fit and healthy”. Or you can be “fit and healthy” and “a great mom.” There are no limits to the amount of beliefs you create about yourself as you define who you want to be. Identities that might clash, however, might be something like “world-class runner” and “couch potato.” But, if all of the time you don’t spend training you are sitting on the couch, then it might work for you.

Creating an identity is more about having guidelines that help you strengthen your self-belief than becoming rigid about who you are. You’re an infinite being after all!

A Word of Caution About Identity

While identities can be a great tool to propel you forward by taking action towards the type of person you want to become, it’s important to not get too attached to identity because sometimes it can harm you without realizing if the identities you choose have any limiting or rigid traits associated. 

Don’t sell yourself short!

Some identities are actually crippling or limiting without you realizing it. They may sound good at first but upon further investigation they can really box you in. Do you want to limit yourself or do you want to be a versatile human who’s capable of everything?

Take the time to ask yourself how YOU define a specific identity.

Consider the examples below.

#1. You may identify as a “nerd” and there are a lot of positive traits usually associated with that identity such as some form of intelligence and booksmarts and knowledge of random facts and trivia. However, there are some traits typically associated with “nerds” that can actually be unhelpful such as being awkward and antisocial which can lead to feelings of inadequacy or lack of confidence in some areas. The label “nerd” is also not known for being physically fit/active. These are the kinds of things it is important to be mindful of because you may be holding yourself back in these subtle and seemingly harmless ways. 

#2. If you consider yourself “bougie,” that can be great in so many ways because you may value surrounding yourself with high quality things and settings and you might place high standards on yourself. But, if it prevents you from having fun or trying new things that you might otherwise let loose and do such as going hiking or camping or helping a friend with yardwork, or you find yourself scoffing at other peoples’ interest in insects or 4wheeling, then it turns into a limiting identity. 

I have met many people in my life, especially in the United States (those catty American high school cliques, anyone? *sigh*), that so strongly identified with things like “bougie” and “nerd” that they held themselves back in so many ways without even realizing it, preventing themselves from engaging in certain activities for fear of “breaking” the status quo of whatever identity they strongly attached themselves to.

While I can use those terms to describe myself in specific circumstances, I do not let such limiting labels rigidly define me because I know we can all be multidimensional beings that can morph into whatever suits us best for each situation while still being authentic to ourselves. There is a time and place to showcase your “nerdiness” and a time and place to be “adventurous,” “sociable,” or “bougie.” Why box yourself into a limited identity? 

Just make sure the identities you choose to identify with are working FOR you, not AGAINST you.

Beliefs are everything. What you believe about yourself you become.

Do Your Current Beliefs Honor You or Hold You Back? 

Not only will positive beliefs about yourself propel you into a happier, more abundant life, but they are also a sign of self respect.

Your Ego wants to keep you at your own status quo because it appears “safe” when, in reality, nothing is safe. Even when you stay in the comfort zone, unfortunate things can happen. Things can be taken away in an instant. So safety is only a belief you have, in essence an illusion.

So start creating beliefs about yourself that help you grow and move forward in life with ease instead of the limiting beliefs that the Ego has created for you. Take on beliefs that help you enjoy life more instead of adding to your struggles. Empower yourself.

It may not be easy but it is 100% WORTH IT

Photo by Briana Salik

Maybe believing in yourself goes against everything you were ever taught or all the ways you’ve been treated. Others were treating you based on their own inner issues. These might be deeply ingrained patterns that you have carried with you your entire life. Perhaps you are not even aware of all of them.

The great thing is, you now have the power to change the script and make yourself your own powerhouse. 

The truth is, if you don’t, no one else will. Your life is in your hands. You hold all of the power over yourself and your life even if others have made you believe otherwise up to this point. You get to create your path.

It took me getting it wrong so many times to not only finally fully understand it but also to fully embody it. And that’s not to say that there’s not more to learn! So go easy on yourself. It takes time and messing up (and being OK with messing up) to finally get it. Patience is the most important key on the self love journey.

I wanted to include this beautiful song by Whitney Houston because it emphasizes this point of being our own savior and as long as we believe in ourselves, we hold our own power and hate and judgement and rejection can’t touch us.

Song by Whitney Houston: The Greatest Love Of All

Lyrics (from http://www.songlyrics.com/whitney-houston/the-greatest-love-of-all-lyrics/ )

I believe that children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be

Everybody searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone to fulfill my needs
A lonely place to be
So I learned to depend on me

I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I will live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity

Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all
I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be

And I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I will live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity

Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all

And if by chance, that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love

A Famous Example of Self-Belief

You might have heard about Muhammad Ali and the story of how he applied the power of self belief.

Muhammad Ali wanted to be the best fighter. So he would yell “I AM THE GREATEST!!!!” every day. He did not yell it so that others would believe him. He yelled it so that HE would believe it. He did that over and over again until he became one of the best fighters the world has ever seen. 

The other important thing to note in this story is that he did not just yell that and then go sit down and eat a sandwich and wait for it to happen. His daily yell inspired consistent action that aligned him with becoming the greatest.

The Amazing Things That Happen When You Believe In Yourself

Photo by Austin Neill

When you start believing in yourself and your sense of self worth so strongly, you get DONE taking BS and you stop tolerating things that you don’t deserve. 

Doors start opening up and opportunities start coming from seemingly out of nowhere. Solutions to what you might have previously seen as problems, issues, and obstacles seem to flow in effortlessly.

Here are a few more benefits!

  • You wake up feeling good about yourself
  • You have confidence even doing basic tasks such as going to the store and things work out smoothly because you are a magnet for high vibes
  • You are more likely to step out of your comfort zone and try new things
  • You have more enthusiasm for taking care of yourself or even dressing a certain way that is so you because you want your external world to mirror your inner world
  • You attract things and people you want easily because confidence and self belief is magnetic and alluring
  • You see solutions instead of dead ends
  • Creativity and creative solutions seems to come more easily to you
  • You flow with life more. Nothing around you such as plants, animals, and matter in general struggles to believe in itself. It just is and doesn’t need a reason to believe in itself. Thus, when you believe in yourself you are in flow with everything around you. Life doesn’t feel like such a struggle.
  • You feel all around much better because you don’t have negative or stagnant energy clouding up your energy field
  • You look for joy in everything
  • And so many more!

Final Points:

Photo by Vincentiu Solomon

Believing in yourself is a journey and an adventure.

Don’t get hard on yourself if you have days where you feel like a failure or you forget to believe in yourself. You will have ups and downs and that is a part of the journey. Have fun with it. See how many ways you can find to believe in yourself and how many things you can be proud of yourself for. It can be anything such as the way your hair curls when it falls into your shoulders or the way you smile when someone says hello. All of these things are a part of you. The sooner you learn to love them, the sooner they can become another reason you believe in yourself.

Then you can take it even further and not only believe in yourself but also believe that everything is working out in the best way possible and you will understand the key to a life full of ease and flow.

Eventually, if you work on believing in yourself enough, you will be screaming things like:

 I AM FEARLESS!!!!!!! 

Ok, so I can’t guarantee that but that is definitely an ideal outcome. 

So remember, if you don’t believe in yourself, who will?

As always, thank you for reading.

Peace & Love,


To go even deeper into self-belief, check out this article on self-worth.

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